What is Feldenkrais?
We often navigate life with our attention on outcomes or destinations,
seldom considering how we move
until we encounter pain, need to acquire a new skill, or aim to perform at a high level.
However, movement is not solely about accomplishing tasks or traveling from one place to another: fundamentally, it involves the integration of thinking, sensing, and feeling with action, so altering one aspect transforms the entire process.
This is essentially what the Feldenkrais approach to movement encompasses. A dependable method to enhance your strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, and body awareness, offering you a way to tap into your inner power to learn, adapt, and change effortlessly.
It's quite challenging to encapsulate the Feldenkrais approach in just a few minutes.
I think this engaging video effectively conveys its essence.
If this video piques your curiosity, feel free to call me, and I would be thrilled to introduce you to a new way of moving.